Can "Healthier" candy be good ? That was the question running through my mind when I received the UNREAL Candy campaign from BzzAgent. I got to try the UNREAL candy coated peanuts free from BzzAgent with a coupon they had provided me but my opinions are my own.

My daughter and I went to our local store where we immediately found the UNREAL Candy display right up front. It was a brightly colored display piled high with all the different kinds of candy from their line. It was hard to choose what we going to buy because it all looked so good! We picked up some UNREAL candy coated peanuts and a nougat bar.
Now for the test try! Does a candy that claims to be "unjunked" and not full of artificial ingredients, corn syrup, preservatives, and hydrogenated oils be that tasty? I wasn't thinking so. I mean come on, all those ingredients are what make everything so delish right? (YUCK by the way) I opened my bag and could see a difference right away. They just looked good! I was so surprised at how good they really were. I wasn't convinced that my taste buds were telling me the truth because I was quite hungry at this point in time so I went home to give my mom the other bag so she could be my second opinion.
I put hers in a baggie so she couldn't tell what brand they were. Well mom really did like them. She said they had a great crunch for the peanuts, they weren't overly sweet and that she enjoyed them very much. I knew we had a winner because when I told her they were a new candy called UNREAL Candy and were a "healthier" choice than her normal brand, she said she liked them better! WOW!
So there you have it. When you are out and about or just craving something chocolaty, go give the UNREAL Candy a try. (Remember, they aren't claiming to be a health food, just a healthier product)
You can UNREAL Candy at most retailers near you or check out their website

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